IAudioEffect |
IAudioEffect.OnControlStatusChangeListener |
The OnControlStatusChangeListener interface defines a method called by
the AudioEffect when a the control of the effect engine is gained or lost
by the application
IAudioEffect.OnEnableStatusChangeListener |
The OnEnableStatusChangeListener interface defines a method called by the
AudioEffect when a the enabled state of the effect engine was changed by
the controlling application. |
IBasicMediaPlayer |
IBasicMediaPlayer.OnBufferingUpdateListener |
Interface definition of a callback to be invoked indicating buffering
status of a media resource being streamed over the network. |
IBasicMediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when playback of a
media source has completed. |
IBasicMediaPlayer.OnErrorListener |
Interface definition of a callback to be invoked when there has been an
error during an asynchronous operation (other errors will throw
exceptions at method call time). |
IBasicMediaPlayer.OnInfoListener |
Interface definition of a callback to be invoked to communicate some info
and/or warning about the media or its playback. |
IBasicMediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the media source
is ready for playback. |
IBasicMediaPlayer.OnSeekCompleteListener |
Interface definition of a callback to be invoked indicating the
completion of a seek operation. |
IBassBoost |
IBassBoost.OnParameterChangeListener |
The OnParameterChangeListener interface defines a method called by the
BassBoost when a parameter value has changed. |
IBassBoost.Settings |
The Settings class regroups all bass boost parameters. |
IEnvironmentalReverb |
IEnvironmentalReverb.OnParameterChangeListener |
The OnParameterChangeListener interface defines a method called by the
EnvironmentalReverb when a parameter value has changed. |
IEnvironmentalReverb.Settings |
The Settings class regroups all environmental reverb parameters. |
IEqualizer |
IEqualizer.OnParameterChangeListener |
The OnParameterChangeListener interface defines a method called by the
Equalizer when a parameter value has changed. |
IEqualizer.Settings |
The Settings class regroups all equalizer parameters. |
IHQVisualizer |
IHQVisualizer.OnDataCaptureListener |
The OnDataCaptureListener interface defines methods called by the
Visualizer to periodically update the audio visualization capture. |
ILoudnessEnhancer |
ILoudnessEnhancer.Settings |
The Settings class regroups the LoudnessEnhancer parameters. |
IMediaPlayerFactory |
IPreAmp |
IPreAmp.Settings |
The Settings class regroups the LoudnessEnhancer parameters. |
IPresetReverb |
IPresetReverb.OnParameterChangeListener |
The OnParameterChangeListener interface defines a method called by the
PresetReverb when a parameter value has changed. |
IPresetReverb.Settings |
The Settings class regroups all preset reverb parameters. |
IReleasable |
IVirtualizer |
IVirtualizer.OnParameterChangeListener |
The OnParameterChangeListener interface defines a method called by the
Virtualizer when a parameter value has changed. |
IVirtualizer.Settings |
The Settings class regroups all virtualizer parameters. |
IVisualizer |
IVisualizer.MeasurementPeakRms |
A class to store peak and RMS values. |
IVisualizer.OnDataCaptureListener |
The OnDataCaptureListener interface defines methods called by the
Visualizer to periodically update the audio visualization capture. |